Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Normal Selfish Complaint

A-     Stop running around and screaming like a banshee. There are two types of people: people that are normal and people like you!!! When will you start acting a little more normal?!?!? You can start from getting away from me!!
B-    So I took the journey into normality. Like the average Joe. Even the hair is boring.
B-    Hello, My name is Normal. Wonderful weather we are having.
A-   You know, I’ve come to appreciate your demeanor lately.
B-   Why thank you. Let’s do something normal, like window shopping. 


And then the pineapple turned into a house… Yes it was a SpongeBob reference. Squidward’s petty selfish complaint of how Spongebob should be more normal could have potentially ruined the whole show. No longer would children be able to laugh at Spongebob’s silly attitude or playful ways; thus children would lose a major childhood memory of this adored show.  Luckily for everyone, Spongebob realized that he had taken the normal thing too far and with the help of Patrick becomes abnormal again :D.  Thank you SpongeBob for this realization. Squidward’s selfishness could’ve affected in a disheartening loss.  

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