Tuesday, November 12, 2013

To be legalized.

Art is unlike no other hobby. It gives freedom to express whatever the mind desires. It pushes creativity beyond its borders. It creates everlasting masterpieces. It is a unique form of expression that conveys feelings and emotions that simply cannot be conveyed in words. When an artist waves his paintbrush across a board, it is for a number of the reasons stated that art is his passion.

Most times people look for the right or wrong way to do something, but for art there is no right or wrong answer. A final product can never be told that it is bad, since art is purely a matter of opinion. As long as the artist loves his artwork, it surely is a great piece of art.

Why then is graffiti looked so down upon? If graffiti is art, why do people call it bad? Graffiti is a form of expression just like every other piece of artwork. Although there is a negative connotation with the phrase since it is often associated with vandalism, most of the times it is not even disrupting.

Think for a moment– where do you usually see graffiti?  Inside tunnels? On the side of a train? On a road in middle of the highway?  Now does some scribbles on a rock really affect you? Compared to the significant impact graffiti can have on an artist’s life, petty, selfish botherings should not interfere with a person’s freedom of expression.

Freedom of expression is one of America’s inalienable rights. In other words it is un-American to forbid graffiti from becoming legalized. Hence, it is not acceptable that the government can punish others for their expression(up to 3 year imprisonment). In contrast, the government should be extending their efforts to make expression more popular– because flourishing art will bring a flourishing future. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fliffer Huzza

Whenever I hear the word lugubrious, I feel like jumping into a gigantic pit of pillows yelling “LUGUBRIOUSSS!” It just sounds like such a fun word. It makes me think of little Boobahs spinning in circles and dancing around on a rainbow in pink clouds floating in the air. Well, that was until I found out what the word meant. Apparently it kind of meant the opposite, all gloomy and upset and stuff. Similarly, my brother thought it sounded kind of swiss cheese made out of peanuts. You know, goobers meaning peanuts and stuff. Unfortunately he was wrong too– unless it was some sad cheese… Wow words are so confusing. Ever since I found out what lugubrious actually meant I threw the word in my fliffer huzza pile– the pile of things that make no sense.  In the little box you can see a bunch of random questions floating around. Like why are chicken pox called “chicken” when the specks look more like burgers? Or why the guy that made silly bands is now a millionaire?  Or why do letter grades go from D to F, won’t E feel left out? Or why is a “w” called a “double u” when it looks like a “double v?”

I feel like I’ve been adding a lot to the fliffer huzza pile lately. Do you know what the most annoying thing is, when a person asks you if fliffer huzza is the name of an expensive drink or something. Next time that happens to you, just stare them down in the eyes and yell “Well that made me lugubrious–no, it is not a drink!!!”

… I guess here goes another confusion to add to the fliffer huzza. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Normal Selfish Complaint

A-     Stop running around and screaming like a banshee. There are two types of people: people that are normal and people like you!!! When will you start acting a little more normal?!?!? You can start from getting away from me!!
B-    So I took the journey into normality. Like the average Joe. Even the hair is boring.
B-    Hello, My name is Normal. Wonderful weather we are having.
A-   You know, I’ve come to appreciate your demeanor lately.
B-   Why thank you. Let’s do something normal, like window shopping. 


And then the pineapple turned into a house… Yes it was a SpongeBob reference. Squidward’s petty selfish complaint of how Spongebob should be more normal could have potentially ruined the whole show. No longer would children be able to laugh at Spongebob’s silly attitude or playful ways; thus children would lose a major childhood memory of this adored show.  Luckily for everyone, Spongebob realized that he had taken the normal thing too far and with the help of Patrick becomes abnormal again :D.  Thank you SpongeBob for this realization. Squidward’s selfishness could’ve affected in a disheartening loss.  

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Why vocabulary should not be tested in the SAT

        So the SAT is kind of a big deal right? According to some adults, it is a test that can determine the fate of your future– A test whose score decides what college you get into; a college that affects what career you will choose; a career which will destine what pay you get; a pay that categorizes you into your economic class… and forever influences your life. Now that’s what I call a lot of pressure.
        So “2400” is the magical score that every student yearns to get. Of course it’s highly unlikely that a person will get an absolutely perfect score. For some people it is the grammar, math or reading comprehension that throws them off– for me it is the complex vocabulary. It simply makes no sense to me why a college admission test would contain a farcical amount of vocab to which most people are unintelligent. For one thing, using big language is not a measure of intelligence. Instead all it successfully does is confuse others. Reason being: People don’t use big words when talking because there is no need to. As awesome as it would be to know every word in the world, there would be no end to memorization, and ultimately no purpose since most of those words are now obsolete.
        Now I can probably guess what you are thinking. Why is she using big vocab when trying to argue that big vocab is unnecessary? Well, that would simply be since I was forced to memorize a list of words in order to do well on the test.  
        Memorization–what an awful way to try to pass a test.  Unlike fundamental math concepts (which have been drilled in to student’s minds starting from kindergarten) vocab is a subject that is commonly ignored in most schools, and therefore is rarely learned. While the SAT claims to be a test that can be taken without any prior knowledge, how can you answer vocab questions if you have no clue what anything means? It’s not like there are formulas at the top of the page that you can plug prefixes or roots into, like in the math section.  And if English isn't your major language, you are simply out of luck. Because guess what? You need to randomly guess an answer anyway– unless you want to fail a test that can supposedly determine the fate of your life.

        So call this an exaggeration if you will, but there is absolutely no reason why guessing what lexis means will help determine how intelligent a person is.